ThE production process
Once we have worked through the pre-production process and created a solid brief we can commence the next step which is production (or filming).
How does it work and how long will it take?
Filming time will depend on the nature and complexity of your project. During the pre-production process this will be reviewed with you in great detail. But as you begin the Production phase you should keep in mind:
- Who is my audience? What do I want to tell them?
- You don’t necessarily need to draw pictures, plan camera angles, design montages. You do need to be clear about what needs to be said and shown.
- Do not assume that you (or your subject) can simply ’wing it’. Being able to improvise is a great talent, but it’s not the norm. Make sure that your subject knows what they’re going to say and provide them with a script or bullet points that they can refer to or even read while on camera.
There are some good tips here for different types of filming, from recording lectures to location filming or interviews.
What types of filming can you undertake?
We can either film in our studio or on location. Our studio is a fully rigged sound-proof facility which can be used in a variety of set ups with one or more cameras. We also have extensive location kit to allow us to film anywhere from an office or lecture theatre, to the top of mount Taranaki or a boat in the Hauraki Gulf.
Types of filming we do include:
- Interviews (individual or group)
- A procedure / training video
- Promotional videos
- Teaching
- Panel discussion
- Pieces to camera (maybe the opening of a video, or someone delivering a message directly to camera)
- Drone filming
- 360 video
Some examples of our work and the styles that can be achieved can be found here.
When the majority of filming has been done we then move into the post-production process.